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12 Huge Musicians Who Hate The Songs That Made Them Famous

Most people probably assume that, when a musician releases a hot new track, they must love their work. After all, why else would they put it out there for everyone in the world to hear?
Yet, it turns out that many of the world’s most respected musicians actually can’t stand their most famous songs! From Oasis to Kanye West, many artists can name at least one popular song in their discographies that practically makes their ears bleed.
Need further proof? Just take a look at these 12 musicians who totally hate their big hits…

1. Madonna, “Like a Virgin”: You know exactly what it’s like when you’ve heard a song way too many times; it’s pretty hard to enjoy. Well, that’s how it feels for Madonna with “Like a Virgin,” even though it is likely her most recognizable and greatest hit. Nevertheless, can you blame her for tiring of this one?


2. Lorde, “Royals”: Since this song is still relatively new, you might think that Lorde wouldn’t mind performing it. Yet the chart-topping track that launched the pop singer to worldwide recognition is a no-go for her. Recently, she made it clear that she thinks the song sounds like a ringtone.


3. Kanye West, “Gold Digger”: In the most ironic turn of events, Kanye West once said that he didn’t even like this song from the start. Then why’d he record and release it in the first place, you ask? Well, it’s because he claims he knew it would make loads of cash.

4. Oasis, “Wonderwall”: Though it’s easily one of the greatest and most recognized rock alternative songs from the ’90s, Oasis has admitted that they hate pretty much everything about this track. From the lyrics and the arrangement itself, nothing works for them.

5. Mandy Moore, “Candy”: Those who known Mandy Moore now for her acting chops might be surprised to learn that she began her career as a pop star. Her first single, “Candy”—the one that largely kicked off her career—is despised by the pop star. Namely, she hates the accompanying music video.

6. Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé, “Telephone”: You’d think that the teaming up of two of the most popular and recognizable pop stars on the planet would be the key to recording a song that everyone loves. And you’d be right… except Lady Gaga can’t stand it or the music video either.


7. The Beastie Boys, “(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)”: This iconic party song by Brooklyn’s Beastie Boys was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek parody of other similar songs. Nevertheless, the joke went over everyone’s heads and garnered them mass attention


8. Radiohead, “Creep”: Not only has lead singer Thom Yorke gone on record as hating this “too soft” song, but so has the rest of the band. In fact, Radiohead’s guitarist tried to sabotage the recording by playing harshly. Ironically, he simultaneously created the edge they felt it so badly needed.

9. James Blunt, “You’re Beautiful”: You’d imagine that the first time a recording artist hears their song on the radio, it’s probably the greatest moment of their lives. Yet when this happened for James Blunt, he couldn’t wait until his track was pulled from the waves.

10. Warrant, “Cherry Pie”: You know how they say that art requires inspiration? Well, there was none of that going on with this ultra-famous ’80s track. Even though it was an instant smash-hit, the band recorded it without so much as a thought after their record label demanded they produce a song that would appeal to the masses.

11. Miley Cyrus, “Party in the U.S.A.”: No matter where you were when this song was released, there was no avoiding it. Yet, Miley Cyrus believes it’s a bit immature, as she feels she’s grown a lot as an artist since it was first released.

12. Led Zeppelin, “Stairway to Heaven”: While it’s easily one of the most played and recognizable songs in modern music history, that doesn’t make singer Robert Plant hate it any less. “I’d break out in hives if I had to sing that song in every show,” he once expressed in an interview.

Who would ever guess that some of the most famous songs in music history are total duds for the people who recorded them? Listening to these songs will never be the same again!
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12 Huge Musicians Who Hate The Songs That Made Them Famous 12 Huge Musicians Who Hate The Songs That Made Them Famous Reviewed by info_impromises on October 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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