Image result for A woman has been given a police caution for 'causing a nuisance' at Prince George's school

A woman has been cautioned for "causing a nuisance" after she broke into Prince George's school, the London Metropolitan Police said on Monday.
The unnamed woman, 40, was arrested on suspicion of attempted burglary on September 12 after she broke into Thomas's Battersea school in south London.
She was subsequently released on bail, and accepted a police caution for causing a nuisance on school premises under the 1996 Education Act.
This minor offence is usually designated for people who access school property in the UK unauthorised.
The four-year-old prince started school at the £18,000-a-year private school in early September.
Police are part of George's security detail, but Thomas's Battersea is responsible for its own security, the police said last month.